The Live Well Collaborative  User-Centered Design Research

The Live Well Collaborative is a 501(c)(6)  non-profit organization comprised of multidisciplinary University of Cincinnati faculty and students that innovate design solutions for real world problems. With user at the heart of their solutions, Live Well co-creates uniquely designed solutions for all users.

My Role
Publicity Head + Design Researcher for Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center: Emergency Preparedness and HealthSource of Ohio: Effective Storytelling for Key Audiences 
Due to confidentiality, I am unable to share the work I’ve done with partners until they pursue commericalization but I am happy to talk about it in an interview!

Janurary–December 2024
Spring, Summer (part-time), and Fall Co-op

Publicity Head
I overhauled and strengthened social media presence through increased output resulting in an average increase of 18% in following and 43% in accounts reached across all platforms.
I directed Webflow website redesign transition to a marketing tool through promotion of brand identity and client engagement. As I stepped out of the year-long position, I created a Stand Operating Procedure (SOP) document to properly set up my successor.  

Photography Lead
I was the companywide photography lead, generating a photography compository for future marketing and project use. Capturing team images, individual headshots, studio process, and report out meetings to document the insighting work happening at Live Well. 

Alumni Map
Live Well alumni have taken their lives and careers across the globe. This wall installation is a visual representation of where the 1,500+ alumni are located in various locations. 

The Niddy Griddy
This was my first solo project, given full freedom to explore. The past map was printed on bond paper: flimsy and uneditable. I printed on low tack vinyl to create a sticker map with removeable icons to note the number of alumni in each location in addition to a QR code to direct visitors to the complete list. The map alone doesn’t excite visitors, so a decal was hand-drawn to complete the installation.